Winter Welcome to Virginia

Winter Welcome to Virginia
First winter in Virginia in 33 years and this is what it looks like

About Me

I am a special education teacher taking a year off. My husband was recently transferred to Virginia, which is where we are from and met 33 years ago. It is like coming home but enjoying a new environment at the same time. I am working as a special education assistant, so I can stay in the educational loop, just NO lesson plans!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is Spring around the corner?

I do hope I can replace the winter picture above with a sunny first day of spring one.  We'll see Saturday.  I am ready to get my boat out of a deep winter sleep and race the waterways.


  1. Helo Debbi.. thank you for stopping in.. I was just checking my email. and found your comment.. they are indeed my favorite dishes.. my first I ever started collecting.. Your welcome to share my photos.. I would be pleasured.. I haven't had a chance to look anymore for the sugar bowl. My mom was really ill and recently passed away.. so if your run across one for a decent price I would love to pay you for it.. If your interested I have I believe extra plates .. I had to clean my storage out.. they are getting harder to find these days and when you do find them on line they want more money... her is my email .. so it's easier to write. .Happy weekend with love Janice

  2. I hope you can replace that picture too..
